Configure Your DNS

Not sure how to set up your DNS? Well you've come to the right place.

First off, to understand the process, let's explain what a DNS is. The Domain Name System (DNS) was setup when the internet first began. Before having domain names, users had to remember a very specific order of numbers to connect to a specific computer. Now with domain names, people could just remember the domain name instead.

Which leads us to today. After setting up your hosting service and purchasing your domain name, you need to connect the two services. You do this by filling out your DNS information.

So, when you purchased your domain hosting package with us, we sent you an email with your IP address. It's normally 4 sets of numbers looking something like: 123.456.789.987

Now with the IP address copied from the account setup email, you will need to paste that number into your domain name provider's DNS settings page. Normally you will put it in the A name and the came for www.

With the DNS settings saved, now you're set to start working on your site.




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